Vulcan Storm Shelters built on site is the smart, simple and affordable way to provide FEMA rated severe weather protection for you, your family or your employees.
* Wall panels are 16" wide 3/16" steel plate.
* Bolts are Grade 8 Harden Steel
* Door system has (3) 1" slide bars on interior
* Dead bolt lock on exterior for HOME SAFE
* Low threshold for easy access (Handicapped accessible
* Electrical wiring and cable can be added (optional)
* Bolts to the existing slab
Steel Safe Room (Pre built delivered and set)
* 4' x 5' x 6' 3"height
* 4' x 6' x 6' 3" height
* 4' x 8' x 6' 3" height
* 5' x 5' x 6' 3"height
* 5' x 8 x 6' 3" height
* Custom Sizes are an option
* Constructed with 1/4" Plate Steel
* Welded
* In swing door with low threshold
* 4 point latching system
* Delivered to site complete
* Bolted to the slab
* FEMA 320 Compliant
* F5 Impact Tested at Texas Tech
Model # 108
Size 4' x 8' 32 sq ft
Capacity: 6 to 7 people
For pricing and information
Vulcan Safe Rooms
Welded 1/4" Steel
Pre built 4' x 6' Safe Room
* FEMA 320 Compliant
* F5 Impact Tested at Texas Tech
* Entrapment Proof
* Take It When You Move
* Unlimited Size Options
* Handicap Accessible (24" & 36" door)
* In Swing door to prevent from being trapped
* Available as Do- It-Yourselfer
Size: 40"x 4' x 83.5" height
12 sg feet
Capacity: 2 to 3 person
Features: Smallest foot print,
Model # 102
Size: 4' x 4' 16 sg ft;
Capacity: 3 to 4 person
Model # 103
Size: 40" x 6' 18 sq. ft
Capacity: 3 to 4 person
Model # 104
Size: 40" x 7' 21 sg ft
Capacity: 4 per
Model # 105
Size: 4' x 6'
Capacity: 5 person
Model # 106
Size: 4' x 7' 28 sq ft
Capacity: 6 person
Steel Bunkers
Built to your Size & Specifications
Beds, Bunks, shelving, lighting
Build to your specifications
Safe Room new construction
(custom concrete pad)
Safe Room 4' x 8' 1/4" welded steel
Want your shelter BULLET resistance we can do it.
Model #109
Size 6' x 8'
Capacity 9 to10 people
Model #110
Size 7' x 10'
Capacity 14 people
4' x 6' x 83" door on 4' wall
Give us your room size and we will design your your self room